Access Business Technologies (ABT), a hosting and managed services provider in the finance and mortgage industries, has released the PowerCore Due Diligence Application, a loan-pool validation and analysis expert system.
PowerCore Due Diligence provides flexible workflow processes and business rules to help companies thoroughly inspect loan pools for quality and accuracy, ABT says. PowerCore Due Diligence contains pre-established criteria and thresholds that accelerates implementation and the due diligence process.
In addition, PowerCore Due Diligence integrates with popular compliance systems to include state and federal compliance issues in the decisioning process.
‘We have worked with top servicing and securitization firms to make PowerCore Due Diligence a robust mortgage pool validation and analysis application’ states Justin Kirsch, president of Access Business Technologies. ‘This expert system will accelerate the due diligence process significantly due to its inherent workflow and business rules. Also, our integration to third-party compliance, fraud and valuation systems will make PowerCore Due Diligence a central decisioning tool based on every facet of the loan.’
The PowerCore Due Diligence application is provided as an ASP product and is available immediately. Licensed software instances are also available.
Source: Access Business Technologies