Arizona State Credit Union, FirstClose Form Relationship


Arizona State Credit Union and FirstClose, a service of First Lenders Data Inc., have developed a business relationship through which Arizona State Credit Union will access multiple mortgage settlement services through a technology integration that FirstClose developed with Appro by Equifax. Arizona State will be ordering flood zone determinations, automated valuation models and other tools.

According to the firms, FirstClose enables lenders like Arizona State to order most of its settlement services within Appro's Loan Center, utilizing sophisticated FirstClose interfaces. When the results from vendors are returned, data and pdf copies of the reports populate the appropriate fields in Appro so that users can view and print the results of each order.

‘We are excited about accessing our favorite settlement service providers through the FirstClose integration with Appro,’ says Cindy Campano, vice president of member/retail lending products. ‘We are already deriving benefit from the efficiency gains and cost savings FirstClose offers.’

Sources: Arizona State Credit Union, FirstClose

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