Black Knight Scoops Up Collateral Analytics


Black Knight Inc. has acquired Collateral Analytics, a provider of real estate analytic products and tools that support appraisers, appraisal management companies, lenders, investors and government agencies.

Collateral Analytics is primarily focused on building and delivering automated valuation models (AVMs) and collateral and mortgage risk tools, as well as applying analytics to a range of real estate-related databases. The company also develops digital solutions that enable valuation professionals to be more efficient in the field, as these tools integrate with a centralized collateral system that enables lenders and appraisal management companies to manage risk and quality.

In addition to offering AVMs, Collateral Analytics offers products for portfolio reviews and risk management. The company holds proprietary data assets, including data representing approximately 600,000 neighborhoods across the nation; unique property-specific traits that influence valuation; household demographics on over 100 million individual households; and commercial market sales comps, rent prices and capitalization rates.

“Black Knight and Collateral Analytics are a natural fit, and now our clients will be able to leverage a comprehensive, combined product and data set from a single, proven, trusted source for improved accuracy and less risk,” says Black Knight CEO Anthony Jabbour

“Collateral Analytics is proud to join forces with Black Knight in providing exceptional technology, robust data and market-leading analytics for smarter decision-making,” adds Collateral Analytics CEO Dr. Michael Sklarz. “Combining the capabilities of Collateral Analytics and Black Knight is a decisive win for all of our clients, employees and the real estate industry as a whole.”

Sklarz will continue to lead this business line after the acquisition and will report to Ben Graboske, president of Black Knight Data & Analytics.

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