California Agency Increases Counseling, Customer Service Staff


Springboard Nonprofit Consumer Credit Management, a housing counseling organization, has recently hired 45 foreclosure prevention counselors, customer care representatives and managerial staff in an effort to step up the assistance it offers to homeowners facing foreclosure. In addition, the agency has recently added 12,000 square feet of office space for its bilingual counseling center to meet the continued demand for foreclosure prevention and financial counseling nationwide, according to Springboard.

Springboard assists distressed homeowners nationwide through personal financial counseling and helps consumers work with their lenders to find options and possible solutions to mortgage problems, as well as provides counseling to homeowners through the 24-hour hotline, 1-888-995-HOPE.

The agency is seeking to hire additional foreclosure prevention counselors in the coming months. All counseling positions require at least two years of experience in financial services or housing counseling. People who speak both English and Spanish are preferred, though it is not required. To apply for a position in Riverside, Calif., visit the agency's Web site,

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