CMBS Loan Prices Show Miniscule Month-Over-Month Change


For the month of March, commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) loan prices remained flat from February but showed a solid year-over-year increase, according to DebtX.

The estimated price of whole loans securing the U.S. CMBS universe remained steady at 94.7% as of March 31, with no change from Feb. 28. Loan values were 91.4% on March 31, 2013.

The weighted average monthly price of impaired performing loans traded at DebtX's marketplace was 78.8% in March, compared to 78.9% in February. Prices were 73.5% in March 2013.

The weighted average monthly price of non-performing commercial real estate loans traded at DebtX's marketplace was 46.5% in March, compared to 46.2% in February. Comparatively, prices were 55.3% in March 2013.

"Prices were flat given the yield curve and consistent fundamentals, although we did see a nice year-over-year increase," says Will Mercer, DebtX's managing director. "In the secondary markets, we saw essentially the same pattern. There was no material movement in prices during the month."

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