DepotPoint Inc.'s TrackPoint online workflow application suite, which streamlines the tracking and management of foreclosure properties, now offers a short-sale module to facilitate the efficient processing of short sales by homeowners facing foreclosure.
The module tracks the collection of multiple relevant documents and critical information, and facilitates communication as part of the negotiation process among the homeowner, buyer and mortgage company. It can be used on a stand-alone basis or in conjunction with the company's REO TrackPoint or Default TrackPoint applications.
‘In the current environment, we're all about helping clients process the tremendous volume of properties working their way through the system,’ says Tom Gordon, executive vice president of business solutions. ‘TrackPoint serves asset managers, mortgage servicers and other market participants who track and manage properties from the beginning to the end of the foreclosure life cycle, from initial default through short sales, auctions and REO dispositions.’
SOURCE: DepotPoint