Fannie Mae Adds Analytics Tool to Gauge Climate Related Risk


To assess the potential impacts of climate change on its mortgage portfolio backed by over 17 million United States single-family and multifamily residential assets, Fannie Mae has begun using ClimateScore Global, created by Jupiter Intelligence, a company specializing in climate risk analytics.

Jupiter ClimateScore Global combines climate models with machine learning to predict and quantify physical climate risk across multiple hazards, including flood, precipitation, extreme heat and cold, wind, drought, wildfire and hail at 90-meter resolution.

ClimateScore Global’s detailed, high-resolution data helps Fannie Mae identify which areas are most at risk from climate-related perils and understand how such perils might impact its portfolio over time.

“The frequency and intensity of major natural disasters pose risks for all stakeholders in the housing system, including homeowners, renters, lenders, investors, and insurers,” says Rich Sorkin, CEO and co-founder of Jupiter Intelligence.

Jupiter’s ClimateScore Global will offer insights into the assessment of mitigating actions against the potential impact of climate perils on homeowners and renters across the country to support Fannie Mae in its mission to provide stability and long-term sustainability for the housing market.

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