Information technology services provider Fiserv Inc. has partnered with Moody's to incorporate the Web site's home price forecasts into Fiserv's CASA automated valuation model (AVM).
The forecasting capability combines the historical data provided by Fiserv Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes with's U.S. macroeconomic and regional economic models.
The home price forecasts reflect Moody's's current outlook of economic variables, including interest rates, demographic trends and labor market conditions. The CASA AVM is used by home equity and mortgage lenders, securities issuers, ratings agencies, insurers, industry analysts and other market participants.
Fiserv also plans to initiate a program of quarterly bulletins that will offer insights on home price trends in larger national metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). These releases will be distributed on the first Tuesday of each quarter, starting the first week of September.
"As steward of the most respected and accurate measure of home price trends, we are continually seeking to provide additional insights, tools and information that will help mortgage lenders and other market participants make informed decisions about lending and managing their risk," says Walter Morgan, executive vice president, Fiserv Lending Solutions.
SOURCE: Fiserv, (800) 872-7882