HOPE NOW Sends Third Round Of Letters


The nation's largest mortgage servicers, in partnership with other market participants and members of the HOPE NOW alliance, have begun sending the third round of HOPE NOW letters to at-risk mortgage borrowers. The letters encourage homeowners who may be experiencing difficulty paying their mortgage to call the Homeowner's HOPE Hotline, (888) 995-HOPE, for immediate help.

‘We have already seen from the preceding two rounds of letters that this is working,’ says Faith Schwartz, executive director of HOPE NOW. ‘This is a top priority for all involved in HOPE NOW.’

In November 2007, HOPE NOW sent out approximately 233,000 letters to at-risk homeowners asking them to call their servicer for assistance. As a result of these letters, more than 16% of borrowers responded by contacting their servicer – far more than the normal response rate of 2% to 3%, the organization notes.

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