JMBM Issues Handbook For Hotel Acquisitions


JMBM Issues Handbook For Hotel Acquisitions The Global Hospitality Group of Los Angeles-based Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) is now offering ‘The How to Buy a Hotel Handbook,’ the third installment in the ‘We Wrote the Book’ series of handbooks published by the group's hotel lawyers.

The new handbook provides a detailed overview of the hotel acquisition process, a thorough due diligence checklist and informative articles that address some of the most important questions that arise when buying or selling a hotel. According to Jim Butler, chairman of JMBM's Global Hospitality Group, unless the parties to a hotel purchase and sale are continually executing purchase and sale transactions, and unless they have a depth of hotel-specific experience, they will be at a tremendous disadvantage throughout the acquisition process.

‘We wrote this book to educate hotel buyers and sellers as to the value of consulting early with top hotel professionals, when such counsel can provide maximum benefit,’ Butler says.

The handbook is now available online.

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