LenderLogix FeeChaser Selected by American Pacific Mortgage


American Pacific Mortgage is using LenderLogix‘ Fee Chaser solution to efficiently and compliantly collect initial mortgage-related fees from borrowers.

The seamless integration of Fee Chaser with American Pacific Mortgage’s loan origination software (LOS) allows its loan officers and support personnel to effortlessly send a unique payment link to borrowers with a single click, LenderLogix says in a release.

Following the completion of payment through the provided link, Fee Chaser promptly issues a receipt to all involved parties and updates the loan documentation within the LOS. The process from sending the payment link to receipt of payment typically spans five minutes.

“Eliminating manual processes and enhancing borrower retention are two of our top priorities in the current market, and Fee Chaser helps us tackle both,” says Ned Payant, CEO at American Pacific Mortgage, in the release. “Fee Chaser’s automated process puts time back in our loan officers’ day and promotes cost savings to our business. It’s helped us not only enhance the borrower experience but streamline our daily operations. It’s brought hefty results to our business just from a singular click in our LOS.”

“Given the competitive nature in today’s market, wherever lenders can automate the mortgage process can be the difference between unnecessary cost and borrower retention,” adds Patrick O’Brien, co-founder and CEO of LenderLogix. “Fee Chaser not only helps reduce manual processes but also improves the borrower experience by providing a secure, digital portal for capturing sensitive payment information.”

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