Lenders One Mortgage Cooperative, the largest alliance of mortgage bankers in the U.S., has implemented LOANMax, a new mortgage productivity system for its members. The system has three predominant features to help loan officers close more loans, satisfy continuing education requirements and market themselves more powerfully, Lenders One says.
The first component of LOANMax is customer relationship management (CRM) software. Lenders One entered into a relationship with Mortgage Returns to fulfill its CRM software needs. Through LOANMax, every Lenders One member has unlimited access to the leading CRM software solution.
The second component of the program is online continuing education. Lenders One entered into a relationship with a leading training organization, Mortgage Training Institute (MTI), to fulfill the online continuing education component of LOANMax. Via LOANMax, every Lenders One member has unlimited access to MTI's Virtual Passport for online continuing education, the group adds.
The third component of LOANMax involves the hiring of a celebrity spokesperson to endorse the cooperative's members and to nationally promote the value of independent mortgage bankers. Lenders One formed a members-only marketing committee that will work together to hire the ideal celebrity spokesperson.
Source: Lenders One Mortgage Cooperative