Loan Vision Purchased by Banyan Software


Banyan Software Inc. has acquired Loan Vision (Bestborn Business Solutions), a provider of loan level accounting software to the mortgage banking industry. Loan Vision has helped reduce risk, streamline manual process and lower operating expense for over 250 customers by creating the loan level accounting solution.

“After months of diligence in the industry it was clear to us that Loan Vision has built out the market-leading accounting software for mortgage banks in the United States and are passionate about coupling best-in-class support and service,” says David Berkal, CEO of Banyan Software. “We are excited to welcome Loan Vision into the Banyan family of companies and look forward to supporting the company’s future growth.”

“Partnering with such a sophisticated organization will help take Loan Vision to the next level,” states Martin Kerr, founder and president of Loan Vision. “Since the beginning, we’ve strived to operate at the highest level when serving our customers,” Kerr added. “Being part of the Banyan family will allow us to continue doing just that. We’re excited to see what the future with Banyan looks like for our team and our customers.”

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