MCT Updates its MSR Valuation Platform with Enhanced Analytics, Reporting


Mortgage Capital Trading (MCT), has released an updated version of its mortgage servicing rights (MSR) valuation platform that addresses the industry’s growing need for deeper analytical insight and control.

As portfolio managers strive to optimize their strategies in a rapidly shifting market, the release of MSRlive! 4.0 offers a decisive advantage, with its enhanced precision, actionable intelligence, and ease of use.

The new version offers mortgage servicers an unprecedented level of transparency and business intelligence, equipping portfolio managers with powerful new tools to assess and optimize their portfolios, the company says in a release.

With MSRlive! 4.0, portfolio managers gain direct insight into the key drivers behind valuation changes over time, the firm says.

The enhanced reporting offers a clear, intuitive view of risk exposure, allowing managers to identify and address potential vulnerabilities with ease. These advancements are a major leap forward for the industry, which has long sought more precise, accessible, and actionable analytics.

“We have listened to our clients and successfully built the reporting they need to analyze their portfolios with confidence,” says Bill Shirreffs, head of MSR services at MCT. “The essential elements are incorporated into the analytical reporting, with the ability to pull back the hood and see exactly what’s driving the valuation results.”

The enhanced reporting delivers a behind-the-scenes perspective of mortgage servicing portfolios, offering in-depth analysis that includes factors including Valuation Assumptions; Breakeven Analysis; Duration and Convexity; Rate of Return on Investment; and Cash Flow Summary Analysis.

This added transparency enables portfolio managers to better understand portfolio performance and valuation drivers. The advanced summary reporting provides comprehensive, digestible insights, allowing for more confident decision-making and faster response to various market changes.

The launch of MSRlive! 4.0 raises the bar for portfolio transparency, allowing users to quickly assess performance and valuation shifts at both a macro and granular level, the firm says.

“Our clients now have a reporting system that’s not just powerful but also transparent,” Shirreffs adds. “For the first time, they have the tools to make sense of the drivers behind period over period valuation changes – in a way that no other MSR portfolio management platform in the industry can offer.”

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