Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon has launched Operation Stealing Home, an initiative designed to stop those who are preying on Missouri homeowners left vulnerable to mortgage fraud because they are facing foreclosure or other financial difficulties.
Nixon filed seven lawsuits in Buchanan, Greene, Henry, Jackson, St. Louis and St. Charles counties. The suits are aimed at individuals and businesses that Nixon said had defrauded consumers through refinancing, advance fee and foreclosure consulting scams.
The following defendents were named: St. Anthony Avenue LC, based in St. Louis County; Private Funding Solutions, based in St. Charles, and its president, Mike C. Rothweiler; Brian J. Thompson, of Springfield, who does business as ‘All Decked Out’; and Access Mortgage and Financial Corp., of Lansing, Mich., and its agents, David Snyder and Josh Nowell.
Nixon is also is suing several mortgage companies as part of Operation Stealing Home. The companies promised homeowners – and in one instance, small businesses – that their loans for refinancing would feature terms they could afford. The consumers often were facing skyrocketing house payments because of their adjustable rate mortgages and wanted to obtain more favorable loans, the attorney general's office says.
Source: Office of Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon