Mixed Picture For October Housing Starts


Mixed Picture For October Housing Starts Single-family housing starts in October were at a rate of 594,000, which is 0.2% below the revised September figure of 595,000, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. However, privately owned housing starts were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 894,000, which is 3.6% above the revised September estimate of 863,000 and is 41.9% above the October 2011 rate of 630,000.

Privately owned housing units authorized by building permits in October were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 866,000. This is 2.7% below the revised September rate of 890,000, but 29.8% above the October 2011 estimate of 667,000. Single-family authorizations in October were at a rate of 562,000, which is 2.2% above the revised September figure of 550,000.

Privately owned housing completions in October were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 772,000. This is 14.5% above the revised September estimate of 674,000 and is 33.6% above the October 2011 rate of 578,000. Single-family housing completions in October were at a rate of 542,000; this is 3.4% above the revised September rate of 524,000.

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