Mortgage Builder LoanXEngine CRM And Pricing Software Gets Upgrades


Mortgage Builder Software says it has made major upgrades to LoanXEngine, its customer relationship management (CRM) and product pricing and eligibility engine (PPE).

LoanXEngine 7.0, the new and improved version, has a number of new features, including the following:

  • updated FHA mortgage insurance premium changes;
  • closing-cost filtering support features that allow lenders to customize fee charges according to various requirements;
  • redesigned and improved non-qualifying product reporting, including detailed failure-to-qualify reasons and website links for further investigation;
  • enhanced mobile device viewing;
  • an improved wholesale-channel homepage and workflow, giving third-party originators greater functionality; and
  • integration with LendingTree's LoanExplorer.

LoanXEngine, launched in 2007, was acquired by Mortgage Builder in October 2012 as the front-end component to round out the company's suite of mortgage-lifecycle tech products, including Mortgage Builder's Architect loan origination system and Colonnade loan servicing system.

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