Mortgage Builder Suite Now Integrates With InHouse Connexions


Loan origination software provider Mortgage Builder has completed a technology integration with InHouse Inc., which offers the Connexions appraisal management platform. Mortgage Builder users can now easily access Connexions and its menu of appraisal options.

‘InHouse Connexions was clearly the choice of several clients, including one of our largest,’ says Kelli Himebaugh, corporate vice president at Mortgage Builder. ‘The Connexions platform offers the ability for lenders to use their own appraisal panels, order from appraisal management companies, or access InHouse's own AMC.’

InHouse offers full performance metrics and reporting on the overall appraisal effort, and the company says it has ‘one of the few direct connections’ to Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's Uniform Collateral Data Portal.

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