Nadlan Valuation Expands Its Footprint


Nadlan Valuation Expands Its Footprint Appraisal management company (AMC) Nadlan Valuation reports that it is expanding its footprint and adding new appraisers in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast.

Nadlan says the expansion is in response to growing demand for its services. The AMC credits its success on its customer service and its in-depth process for ensuring accurate appraisal reports.

‘With so many regulatory pressures, lenders really appreciate our thorough appraisal review process,’ says Sam Heskel, president of Nadlan, in a release. ‘Quality control has become critical, so it's one of the things that has fueled our growth.’

To ensure accuracy, Nadlan employs a three-step process in creating its appraisal reports. Each appraiser in its network is vetted thoroughly and is up to date on all state and federal licensing and certification requirements, the company claims. In addition, the firm's state-of-the-art software ensures each appraisal report is compliant with all national and regional regulations. Lastly, each report is double-checked for accuracy before being sent to the lender.

What's more, Nadlan says it has been able to attract top appraisers by ensuring prompt payment for their services. The AMC says it has reduced the payment time period for appraisers from 45 days to 30 days, even in states that do not require 30-day payment.

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