Owner Of Wright House Reportedly Seeks Either $2.2M Or Demolition


Owner Of Wright House Reportedly Seeks Either $2.2M Or Demolition The owner of a Phoenix residence originally designed by master architect Frank Lloyd Wright is reportedly threatening to demolish the 1952 structure unless a $2.2 million sale is transacted.

The New York Times reports that Wright designed the 2,500 square-foot house for his son, David. The house, whose spiral design slightly resembles the architect's landmark Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, was maintained as a private residence and still remains mostly unexplored by Wright scholars. David Wright died in 1997 and his family sold the property following the 2004 death of his widow.

An Arizona-focused development company, 8081 Meridian, purchased the house in June for $1.8 million. According to the company's website, it is trying to ‘find the best development scenario to preserve the Frank Lloyd Wright structure while [it] maintains a feasible and viable re-development project.’

John Hoffman, managing partner at 8081, told the Times that the house was uninhabited for four years prior to the company's purchase and that it was never included on any landmark property watch list.

The Phoenix city government and 8081 Meridian are in a dispute over whether the latter has the right to demolish the property – the city initially issued and then revoked a demolition permit, but Hoffman claims the permit is still valid and he has threatened to proceed with the razing of the home. The city also says that a review of landmark status for the house was underway prior to the property's sale.

The Times adds that Hoffman would sell the house only if he can ‘clear $2.2 million from any sale.’ He has already rejected a cash offer on the property by an anonymous out-of-state buyer that was reportedly slightly below the asking price.

(Photo by Scott Jarson)

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