Players National Locator Under New Ownership


Players National Locator Inc., a St. Louis-based national skip tracing firm that specializes in the location of people, is now under the ownership of David Fingerhut and Steve Williams, who have over 38 years of experience in the mortgage and financial service industries.

The new owners have invested in the infrastructure of the business by partnering with Quandis, a California-based software solutions provider, in preparation for a large influx of foreclosure-related skip trace inquiries. The company also hired Ryan Roth as director of account services. Roth joins Players National with 14 years of experience in the mortgage and finance industries.

The Players National Locator staff specializes in skip tracing and collections in the mortgage field, including pre-foreclosure workouts and foreclosure service support. The owners, staff and technical consultants collectively have over 200 years' experience in all aspects of skip tracing. They operate seven days a week, primarily in the afternoon and evenings, for maximum results.

Source: Players National Locator

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