QuestSoft, a Laguna Hills, Calif.-headquartered provider of compliance software and geocoding services for lenders, has made available CRA RELIEF and HMDA RELIEF in a SQL version for lenders needing the company's Windows-based Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) compliance software in a format compatible with SQL databases.
CRA RELIEF SQL and HMDA RELIEF SQL, which expand the range of QuestSoft's line of CRA and HMDA compliance software, were developed in response to customer requests for scalable processing capabilities of loan data for high volumes of loans. The update also gives lenders flexible and enhanced reporting capabilities, QuestSoft adds.
CRA RELIEF evaluates the lender's performance and compliance with all federal CRA regulations for performance ratings monitoring. Five major Lending Test reports categorize and address each of the specific tests applied during the CRA examination.
HMDA RELIEF SQL offers lenders a compliance solution with enhanced features to accurately prepare and submit HMDA data. Features include summary performance reports and rate spread analysis reports by race, ethnicity and gender. Fair lending fields are also collected and available for analysis.