Sun West Launches New Series Of Mortgage Webinars


Based on an overwhelmingly positive response, Sun West Mortgage Co. has added several Web-based seminars to its Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and reverse mortgage training series.

The new training sessions cover FHA's 203(k) program, the Veterans Affairs loan program and an extensive tutorial covering FHA guidelines and product training.

All of Sun West's webinars are conducted live and are completely interactive, the company says. Attendees can communicate with the presenter in real time, having their questions answered during the session.

Sun West will continue to offer its current webinars, which cover reverse mortgage basics, processing a reverse mortgage, the product and pricing engine, the FHASecure program and ReverseSoft Online. Mortgage professionals can receive invitations for the webinars by sending an e-mail to

Source: Sun West Mortgage Co.

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