TeraVendo Partners With AppraiserLoft


AppraiserLoft, a technology-focused appraisal management company, says it is now the premier and preferred appraisal management firm for TeraVendo Inc., a loan origination software company. According to the companies, TeraVendo's addition of a portal to AppraiserLoft in its popular loan origination software, LoanAce, improves and expedites productivity for loan originators, mortgage brokers and loan professionals across the nation.

AppraiserLoft's online appraisal ordering platform allows users to order appraisals within minutes, providing immediate options for payment and the ability to track the status of any appraisal order 24 hours a day. AppraiserLoft's network of over 5,000 certified appraisers guarantees 72-hour appraisal processing in all 50 states.

TeraVendo launched LoanAce, the industry's first free loan origination software, on August 1, 2006. Since that time, LoanAce's user base has grown to over 3,000 companies. The software features an EZorder feature to order integrated credit reports, titles, appraisals, hazard insurance policies and leads. Another LoanAce feature, TEAM, allows follow-up on the loan process and its status in real time.

Sources: AppraiserLoft, TeraVendo Inc.

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