Treasury Underwrites $4.5B Public Offering Of AIG Stock


Treasury Underwrites $4.5B Public Offering Of AIG Stock The U.S. Department of the Treasury has launched an underwritten public offering of $4.5 billion of its American International Group Inc. (AIG) common stock.

‘AIG has indicated that it intends to purchase up to $3 billion of the common stock sold by Treasury in this offering at the initial public offering price,’ says the Treasury in a press statement. ‘The underwriters in the offering also have a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional $675 million in common stock from Treasury.’

Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Goldman, Sachs & Co. have been retained as joint bookrunners for the offering. Other underwriters are expected to be added. The offering will be made under AIG's shelf registration statement filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and only by means of a prospectus supplement and accompanying prospectus.

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