Vice Capital Markets Integrates Fannie Mae Mission Score API Into Trading Portal


Mortgage hedge advisory firm Vice Capital Markets has integrated the Fannie Mae’s Mission Score application programming interface (API) into its trading portal, allowing current clients to take advantage of pricing and best execution decisions to improve gain-on-sale.

“By utilizing current integrations with Fannie Mae and making minimal updates to current procedures, our development team was able to deliver our clients instant access to FNMA’s Mission Index API,” says Shawn Ansley, chief information officer for Vice Capital Markets, in a release. “The API integration gives our clients the peace of mind that the Mission Index value we are using to evaluate best execution on their loans is 100 percent accurate and incorporates all the required data components to accurately score each individual loan.”

“The Mission Score API and Mission Score product grids are Fannie Mae’s latest solutions intended to support affordable homeownership opportunities and promote mission-based financing to qualified borrowers,” adds Pete Skarnulis, single-family business account management solutions – vice president at Fannie Mae. “Through close partnership and collaboration with our industry partners, we’re able to introduce innovative solutions to the market at scale, helping to promote positive change across the mortgage industry.”

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