Zaio Inc. the U.S. subsidiary of Zaio Corp. has entered into a contract with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to provide technology and customized appraisal services.
VDOT, among other things, is responsible for real estate related to building, maintaining and operating the state's roads, bridges and tunnels. Through the Commonwealth Transportation Board, it provides funding for airports, seaports, rail and public transportation. Virginia has the third-largest state-maintained highway system in the country, just behind North Carolina and Texas, Zaio notes.
‘We continue to lead the industry with innovative technology and are pleased to be of service to VDOT and the citizens of Virginia,’ states Thomas Inserra, CEO of Zaio Inc. ‘Broadening our client base to include government agencies allows us to bring technology related efficiencies to an important market while serving its citizens.’
Source: Zaio Inc.