Zillow Group Names Jeremy Wacksman New CEO


Jeremy Wacksman is the new CEO of Zillow Group.

Wacksman had been serving as chief operating officer.

He has also been appointed to the company’s board of directors.

Wacksman succeeds co-founder Rich Barton, who remains on the board of directors and becomes co-executive chair alongside co-founder and current executive chairman, Lloyd Frink.

Wacksman joined Zillow from Microsoft in 2009 and has earned multiple promotions since, including as a product leader, chief marketing officer and, for the past three years, as COO.

As COO, he has responsibility for growing Zillow Group businesses and also overseeing engineering, product, design, marketing, sales and industry relations.

“Zillow’s business is firing on all cylinders and performing well through a challenging real estate macro,” Barton says in a release. “We’ve built and integrated products, completed strategic acquisitions, enhanced our agent partner network, and leaned in hard on our mortgages and rentals businesses.”

“This is due in no small part to the leadership of Jeremy Wacksman, with the past three years being a time of particularly impressive innovation for the company,” Barton adds. “Lloyd and I could not be more confident in Jeremy as CEO, in the caliber of the broader team and in Zillow’s bright future.”

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