Atlanta-based Crescent Mortgage Co., a national residential wholesale lender, has deployed the Avista Agile LOS Wholesale origination platform, Avista's private-labeled, fully secure and comprehensive Web solution for wholesale lenders, to fulfill its workflow process from origination through closing.
Avista Solutions adds that Crescent Mortgage conducted extensive research prior to selecting the Avista Agile LOS, which was implemented to replace 15-year old technologies that were limiting Crescent's ability to provide better service to its customers.
The Avista Agile LOS Wholesale origination platform enables lenders to give broker clients the ability to register and lock loans online and receive immediate confirmation from the lender. The lender's secondary staff receives immediate notification of locks and registrations, and brokers also have the ability to schedule a closing and submit their closing fee sheets online.
The Avista Agile LOS Wholesale origination platform also offers a closing calendar with multiple user views that easily allow the lender to approve loan closings, assign to closers and provide immediate status of closing to brokers. A simple administrative interface is used for rules-based product set-up and maintenance, rate and pricing updates, and content management.