Fannie Mae Names Policy Experts to Board of Directors


Fannie Mae has appointed Simon Johnson and Christopher J. Brummer to its board of directors, bringing deep expertise to the GSE during a time when the company is focused on the safety and soundness of its business while providing liquidity to the mortgage market.

In addition, the board term limit for Robert H. Herz has been extended for three years, allowing him to serve on the board through June 2024.

“We’re pleased to welcome both Simon and Christopher to Fannie Mae’s board of directors,” said Sheila C. Bair, chairwoman of the board, Fannie Mae. “They are proven public policy leaders adding noteworthy financial technology, economic and regulatory experience.”

Johnson has served as a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management since 1997, currently the Ronald A. Kurtz Professor of Entrepreneurship and head of the Global Economics and Management Group. He is also currently a research associate for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private nonpartisan organization that facilitates cutting-edge investigation and analysis of major economic issues.

Brummer is the Faculty Director of the Institute of International Economic Law and Agnes N. Williams Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center, where he began teaching in 2009. Prior to that time, he served as an assistant professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School from 2006 to 2009 and as an academic fellow at the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of International Affairs from 2008 to 2009.

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