Larry Gilmore, director of HOPE NOW, updated President Bush on the progress of HOPE NOW, which has helped more than 1 million homeowners stay in their homes. The president visited Novadebt, a counseling center where he spoke with counselors and met with homeowners who had been helped.
‘HOPE NOW is working. Through outreach to homeowners, HOPE NOW is leveraging the vast efforts of key counseling organizations and other participating Alliance members to establish communication with homeowners in distress,’ states Gilmore. ‘HOPE NOW works with a large network of HUD-approved counseling organizations – many of which are affiliated with the Homeownership Preservation Foundation and NeighborWorks – to provide foreclosure counseling.’
Borrowers should be wary of sources that offer help but require a fee, as there should never be a cost associated with putting the borrower in touch with HUD-approved counselors or their servicers, the organization notes.