LoanLogics Solutions Now Integrated with Finastra Mortgagebot


LoanLogics’ IDEA OnDemand and LoanBeam Tax solutions have been integrated with Finastra Mortgagebot, an all-in-one mortgage loan origination software for retail, wholesale and correspondent mortgage lending.

Finastra is a provider of financial software applications and marketplaces, while LoanLogics offers loan quality technology for mortgage manufacturing and loan acquisition.

The integrations enhance lender capabilities and ease of use for document processing and income calculation.

The integration of LoanLogics’ IDEA OnDemand, a cloud-native digital assistant for document processing, with Finastra Mortgagebot’s user interface replaces manual document classification and document data rekeying tasks and brings enhanced automation and data accuracy to the mortgage origination process.

While processing documents, users are alerted to any data or document that requires further review, allowing them to address exceptions directly within the Mortgagebot platform via API calls to IDEA OnDemand.

The integration also facilitates data reconciliation between Finastra Mortgagebot and IDEA OnDemand, using a side-by-side table to compare LOS data with extracted data.

The integration with LoanBeam Tax offers a seamless, efficient, GSE-certified solution for determining qualifying income for self-employed borrowers right from within Finastra Mortgagebot.

Leveraging LoanBeam’s APIs, users can upload docs for processing and LoanBeam Tax will automatically extract all income data, check for missing documents and calculate borrower’s qualifying income according to Investor guidelines. 

“These integrations demonstrate our commitment to providing mortgage lenders the tools they need to excel,” says Mary Kay Theriault, director of product management for Mortgagebot at Finastra, in a release. “Users of the Mortgagebot platform can process loan documents through automation and complete one of the more challenging tasks of calculating income for self-employed borrowers with ease. Being able to do both within the Mortgagebot user interface streamlines these tasks while giving borrowers a faster, smoother experience when buying or refinancing their home.”

Photo: Markus Spiske

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