MERS System Content Now Available Through AllRegs


The current versions of two documents critical to users of the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) – the System Rules of Membership and the MERS System Procedures Manual – are now available on AllRegs Online.

AllRegs users who access the MERS System content will benefit from a variety of productivity tools, including an electronic table-of-contents tree with links to guidelines, a robust search engine that features a thesaurus with industry jargon and relative matching results, AllRegs reports.

‘Delivered through our proprietary technology, the MERS System content is an important and valuable addition to our library of mortgage industry content,’ says Dan Thoms, executive vice president of AllRegs.

‘Our members have asked us to publish current governing documents on AllRegs, and we are pleased to be able to provide them with an additional tool they can use to assess the impact of MERS System rules and procedures on their business processes,’ adds Janis Smith, vice president of communications for MERSCORP Holdings, the parent company of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc.

The MERS System content hosted on AllRegs Online will be updated as changes occur; however, the official governing documents for the MERS System will continue to reside on MERSCORP Holdings' Member website.

For more, click here.

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