Sunday, January 26, 2025

Blog View

BLOG VIEW: Pow! Right In The Kisser!

Last week, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) gave the condominium sector a harsh smack in the face. Okay, that might be a wee...

BLOG VIEW: Street Of Shame

Last week, Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., became something of a street of shame. At one end of the celebrated thoroughfare, efforts were...

BLOG VIEW: What’s In A Ratio?

Yesterday, two headlines in's News section featured the same ratio, 3:1. One item was from HOPE NOW, which used 3:1 (technically, 'more...

BLOG VIEW: A Solution Without A Problem?

I've interviewed Scott Stern, CEO of St. Louis-based Lenders One and the head of the recently created Community Mortgage Lenders of America, on...

BLOG VIEW: Saying No To Mortgage Fraud…And Meaning It

Last week, President Obama signed an executive order that created a new Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force. What is special about this task...

BLOG VIEW: Tippecanoe And Chris Dodd, Too!

Back in 1840, when William Henry Harrison was running for president, his campaign made a bold marketing push to reinvent the aristocratic candidate...

BLOG VIEW: Learning About The Consumer Economy

I graduated from college more than two decades ago, and I admit to being clueless about the curricula of today's educational institutions regarding...

BLOG VIEW: How About Plugging In Energy-Efficient Mortgages?

Last week, President Obama announced a new multimillion-dollar federal initiative to speed the development of smart grid initiatives across the country. This is...

BLOG VIEW: An Argument For Regional GSEs

Everyone knows that the bright people who created the Federal Reserve System carved up the nation into 12 asymmetrical regional slices, into which...

BLOG VIEW: Treasury, COP Square Off

A restructured Hope for Homeowners (H4H) program, streamlined income documentation processes and forthcoming guidance on short-sale incentives are all expected to support the...

BLOG VIEW: So We Beat On, Boats Against The Current…

If you missed the Mortgage Bankers Association's (MBA) Annual Convention last week, then you missed a fascinating gathering. The vibe I picked up...

BLOG VIEW: Notes From San Diego

Top executives from the government housing agencies, speaking at an industry conference Monday, addressed a slew of topics, ranging from the continued implementation...

BLOG VIEW: A Time For Cake And Candles

Today is my birthday - number 45, to be precise - and I am going to be spending the day at the Mortgage...

BLOG VIEW: Five Easy Steps To Lowering Your FHA Rejection Rate

(Blog View columnist Phil Hall is on vacation this week. Glennice James, senior project manager at Horizon Consulting Inc., based in Colorado Springs,...

BLOG VIEW: More Bailouts?

When Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently raised the notion that the recession was 'very likely over,' no one began whistling 'Happy Days...

BLOG VIEW: Make Way For The CFPA

There is a new fight coming to Washington, D.C., next week, and it probably won't generate the level of visceral hostility that makes...

BLOG VIEW: Who Is Afraid Of The Big, Bad Google?

Microsoft founder Bill Gates once remarked, 'Competition is always a fantastic thing.' I am bringing up this quote in response to an ongoing...

BLOG VIEW: Still Awaiting Our Crisis

Earlier this week, a friend remarked to me during dinner that perhaps the current recession - which, I imagine, works its way into...

BLOG VIEW: Ben Bernanke, Chapter Two

Admittedly, it was no surprise that President Obama nominated Ben Bernanke for a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. However, I...

BLOG VIEW: Tough August For Servicers

The beginning of September is a mere five days away, but before August closes, I thought it might be good to look back...