Sunday, January 26, 2025

Blog View

BLOG VIEW: Not Branching Out Into The Inner-City Market

Last week, the Associated Press ran a news item that should have created a wave of teeth-grinding throughout the financial services industry: Between...

BLOG VIEW: Rewriting Bailout History

I didn't get a chance to see the television news documentary 'Breaking the Bank' when it was first broadcast on the...

BLOG VIEW: A Hypothetical View From The Mainstream

ing off this week's California Mortgage Bankers Association's Western States Loan Servicing Conference in Las Vegas, one takeaway is abundantly clear: Servicers are resilient....

BLOG VIEW: Adios, James Lockhart

March 5, 2007, James B. Lockhart III, in his capacity as the director of the Office for Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), gave a...

BLOG VIEW: Burned Out On Bailouts

ome faintly positive signs emerging for the U.S. economy, the commercial real estate sector remains in trouble, with industry sentiment still negative and alarming...

BLOG VIEW: Throwing Good Money At Good People

t week, I received a telephone call from my friend Jason. It was a collect call - Jason is currently in a Virginia jail...

BLOG VIEW: Airing Of Grievances

aunt, a real estate agent, recently shared a disheartening story about a woman to whom she had once sold a house. In short, the...

BLOG VIEW: Double-Digit Unemployment, Double-Barreled Trouble

ave seen the light at the end of the mortgage banking recession tunnel. Unfortunately, that light belongs to an oncoming train. Last month, the...

BLOG VIEW: Chris Dodd, Barney Frank And Another Nice Mess

ften believe that anything Chris Dodd and Barney Frank do in Washington should be accompanied with the Laurel and Hardy theme music. Case in...

BLOG VIEW: I Hate To Say I Told You So, But…

t week, I was reading a speech that Federal Reserve Governor Elizabeth A. Duke presented at the Minority Depository Institutions National Conference in Chicago....

BLOG VIEW: Will Bernanke Keep His Job?

ecently read an essay by Mark A. Calabria, the director of financial regulation studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C., where he predicted...

BLOG VIEW: Is The REIT Rise A Leading Indicator Of Recovery?

etimes, we have to deliberately seek out the tiny glimmers of good news in the market. Other times, the positive headline contrasts so dramatically...

BLOG VIEW: Considering The Federal Home Loan Banks

July edition of Secondary Marketing Executive has a cover story on the state of the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) system, and I...

BLOG VIEW: Much Ado About HVCC

e is National Homeownership Month, but after this past week, whatever committee it is that's tasked with making such pronouncements may want to consider...

BLOG VIEW: Listening For Foreclosure Assistance

ecently had a conversation with Ed Nelson, the marketing and communications manager for the Minnesota Home Owner Center (MNHOC), and I was intrigued to...

BLOG VIEW: Dear CMBS Servicer, Can We Talk?

did Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc. neglect to mail its mortgage check to its servicer this month? The company wasn't facing bankruptcy or looking...

BLOG VIEW: Reacting To Concerns On Reverse Mortgages

the midst of the ongoing financial crisis, reverse mortgages have been among the very rare beams of bright sunlight. However, a rumble of distant...

BLOG VIEW: A Default Outsourcing Shake-Up?

Monday, MortgageOrb reported that Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is investigating the structure of the state's foreclosure attorney business. As part of the investigation,...

BLOG VIEW: What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

you have been following MortgageOrb, you may recall that we recently established a presence on Twitter - we're over at - and, to...

BLOG VIEW: From The Federal Level, Down To The Grassroots

ast weekend, I had the rare opportunity to see one of the most legendary figures in U.S. history, President Abraham Lincoln. More accurately, I...