Plaza Home Mortgage To Install Loan-Score’s Systems


Plaza Home Mortgage Inc., a San Diego-based national wholesale lender, has signed with Loan-Score Decisioning Systems LLC, an Irvine, Calif.-based provider of automated underwriting solutions (AUS), to utilize its AUS, product and pricing engine, PDA Pricer application and broker portal.

Loan-Score's AUS underwrites all types of loans and will integrate with Fannie Mae's DU/DO, Freddie Mac's LP, FHA Total Scorecard and DataTrac, Plaza's back-end processing and banking system.

The solution is designed to deliver instant product eligibility, pricing and automated underwriting approvals, complete with all conditions and loan details. According to the company, brokers stand to benefit from the enhanced portal and pipeline management capabilities that will be embedded into the lender's existing corporate Web site.

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