Rapid Reporting’s DirectChek To Provide Instant Identity Verification


Rapid Reporting, a Fort Worth, Texas-based provider of income and identity verification products to the mortgage industry, says that DirectChek, the company's identity verification service, will soon be providing instant verification of Social Security numbers (SSNs) from the Social Security Administration (SSA). According to the company, immediate access to SSN verification data by the SSA has never before been available to the private sector.

By adding immediate SSN verification to the other real-time components of DirectChek's comprehensive identity report, Rapid Reporting is aiming to provide the mortgage industry with a stronger, better way to reduce fraud at origination. In order to get instant identity verification, users can simply enter the borrower's name, SSN and date of birth into the DirectChek system, and the system will provide an immediate answer.

The instant turnaround times are being made possible by the new technologies that the SSA is implementing to the new permanent consent-based program, the company notes. Rapid Reporting has had a strong and long-standing relationship with the government entity.

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