Evolve Mortgage Services Gets Nod from Fitch Ratings


Fitch Ratings has designated Evolve Mortgage Services as an “Acceptable” third-party review (TPR) firm for loans included in Fitch-rated residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS).

The rating agency says “Acceptable” TPR firms show “proficiency in due diligence and have adequate processes and controls in place.” Fitch has also noted that third-party due diligence is a key consideration in its RMBS rating process.

With the latest designation by Fitch, Evolve is now an “Acceptable” TPR provider for all five major rating agencies, including DBRS Morningstar, Kroll Bond Rating Agency, Moody’s Investors Service and S&P Global Ratings.

Evolve’s management team and staff focus on loan-level due diligence reviews to identify credit, compliance and valuation risk. The firm’s underwriting platform is integrated with advanced technology to provide comprehensive due diligence on a variety of loan types, including non-QM, jumbo, business purpose and agency loans, among others.

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