Madhavi Sabnis: Today’s AI-Driven Mortgage Platforms Require Employee Training


PERSON OF THE WEEK: Artificial intelligence and machine learning hold great promise for delivering a completely seamless, all-digital mortgage experience. In fact, today’s top loan origination systems and servicing systems deliver automation and self-service at levels that are comparable to true “AI.”

But today’s newer systems can deliver a degree of intelligence and “self-awareness” that far exceeds the rudimentary automation served up by past systems. With AI baked in, the next generation of loan origination and loan servicing software will actually be able to predict, with fair degree of accuracy, what a borrower – or cohort of borrowers – will likely do next. Through integration with real-time databases, combined with intelligent, AI-driven decision-making, lenders and servicers will be able to correct issues and react to rapidly changing market conditions, often before they even begin.

Many people in the mortgage industry fear that the advent of AI-driven systems will result in the loss of jobs, as more back office processes become automated. However, as Madhavi Sabnis, customer support coordinator for IndiSoft, points out, AI/ML will ultimately serve as an aid to lenders and servicers, not as a means to reduce headcount. For that reason, lenders and services need to stay keenly focused on training for their employees so that they know how to use these new systems to the fullest.

Q: With the advancements of technology and AI, why is training still so important?

Sabnis: Training is a key component in learning, understanding and using the features of any given system. Even with the advancements being made to technology and the increased use of AI, we still need to know how to use them in our everyday lives and situations; otherwise, we all will be stuck.

For example, when someone receives a package for a new product such as for Ring or Amazon’s Echo, there will still be instructions included in the package and a link the consumer can go to, to view a video tutorial on how to use the product. So, in the end, training is still vital in some form.

Q: What have you learned are some of the key mistakes companies make regarding training their employees on new systems?

Sabnis: One of the biggest mistakes is not fully understanding or grasping what is being taught. There are times that the simplest issue or task such as login issues or searching for a case, so a duplicate case is not created can be taken care of internally without outside help. If the same employees do not pay attention during the training, they will not be able to use the feature, and in turn, cannot help their clients.

Q: How should companies approach training requirements on new systems? 

Sabnis: It should be considered a mandatory requirement for new and existing employees to attend training on new systems; otherwise, they will not be able to use the systems correctly and cannot be successful in their job and/or role within the company.

Q: What model works best for companies, open-ended access to training or a limited amount of time to complete training?

Sabnis: At present, it would be easier for the trainer if companies had a limited amount of time to complete training, since it will be mandatory for the employee to attend these trainings; otherwise, they will not be able to complete their tasks or projects. Also, for the trainer, if there is a limited amount of time for an employee to complete training, then trainers will not have to continue to schedule and reschedule trainings for employees who miss a session. It should be the employee’s responsibility to attend the trainings and they should be held accountable for not completing their trainings on time. And trainers can move forward and provide trainings on new features of the system, instead of having to repeat the same trainings.

Q: What is going to be the next thing that will affect training?

Sabnis: It can be one of two things that will affect training: More training will be needed due to continuous system changes or enhancements to keep employees up to date. The other development will be an increase in recorded trainings that will be readily available for users to access through a link to view a specific feature training at any time or location therefore eliminating the need for trainers. 

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