Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Blog View

Will Water Restrictions Out West Impact Home Values?

BLOG VIEW: How will mandatory water restrictions in California affect property values? That's a question many people in the housing industry have been...

Millennial Birth Rate Could Mean Trouble For Housing

BLOG VIEW: There's more bad news for the housing industry, as a new report from the Urban Institute finds that the birth rate...

How Can The Mortgage Industry Properly Benchmark Quality?

BLOG VIEW: Last week, in response to a news article regarding the ongoing HUD Office of the Inspector General lawsuit against Wells Fargo's...

Marketing 101: What Every Lender Needs To Know

BLOG VIEW: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) made headlines last year when it hit a mortgage lender with a whopping $20 million...

Taking The Risk Out Of GSE First-Time Home Buyer Loans

BLOG VIEW: As we plowed through the early to mid-2000s, there were very few consumers who could not obtain mortgage financing one way...

Five Ways The Real Estate Market Has Improved

BLOG VIEW: If you believe in numbers, real estate sales should be soaring. Interest rates are below 4%, yet home prices nationwide have...

Five Things Lenders Should Do To Target Millennials

BLOG VIEW: There is a lot of excitement about this year's housing market - and for good reason. Low rates, rising home values,...

Student Loan ‘Debt Strikes’ Could Hurt The Mortgage Business

BLOG VIEW: Student loan debt is a major reason many millennials are being denied mortgages. Now, there is a growing movement by some...

Using A Straight-Through Processing Model Can Boost Loan Quality And Reduce Origination Costs

BLOG VIEW: Since the bubble burst in 2008, the housing industry has seen close to 1,000 compliance changes from multiple agencies, with no...

For Servicers, Choosing The Right Valuation Tool Is Key To Reducing Loss Severity

BLOG VIEW: Last month, many of the nation's mortgage loan servicers braved the winter weather to come together in Dallas for a major...

Why Are Loans With Little Down Controversial?

BLOG VIEW: The nothing-down mortgage is back - the logical next step in a lending environment that has been substantially easing for the...

Will Rising Rents Boost Home Sales?

BLOG VIEW: The average rent for an apartment in the U.S. has risen between 11% and 15% in the past five years, narrowing...

Understanding Leverage: Look Beyond Warehouse Lines For Capital Planning Options

BLOG VIEW: Mortgage bankers have long enjoyed the benefits of leverage via warehousing facilities. In fact, residential mortgage banking may be the most...

Closing The Books On The Housing Crisis: Consumer-Focused Mortgage Servicing

BLOG VIEW: It is time to turn the page on the mistakes of the past and focus on building a housing sector that...

The Case For Private Mortgage Insurance, Despite FHA’s Premium Reduction

BLOG VIEW: The Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) recent move to reduce its mortgage insurance premiums has been celebrated by many people in the...

The Issue Triggering Higher Scores In Fannie Mae’s CU

BLOG VIEW: As lenders and appraisers continue to sort out how Fannie Mae's Collateral Underwriter (CU) will impact their business, we wanted to...

Top Five Tech Questions To Ask When Vetting An AMC

BLOG VIEW: Vendor assessments are long, arduous tasks for any lender. Identifying the right appraisal management company (AMC) requires a lender to ask...

Proposed Meth Lab Disclosure Law Could Create Problems

BLOG VIEW: A proposed federal law introduced by U.S. Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., would require home sellers and landlords to inform buyers...

FHA Considering Letting Lenders Off The Hook For Minor Loan Defects?

BLOG VIEW: Officials at the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) are reportedly considering dialing-back some of the agency's mortgage rules that can result in...

Rate Checker Hubbub

BLOG VIEW: What do Google's new mortgage calculator and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) new rate checker tool have in common? They...