For Mortgage Bankers, Timing Of Reports Is Crucial
BLOG VIEW: Everyone knows the numbers are important, but which numbers really matter, especially to the people making the decisions? For mortgage bankers,...
HARP’s Image Problem
BLOG VIEW: I couldn't help but chuckle when I watched a video of Mel Watt, director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA),...
AMCs Should Compete On What Matters Most To Lenders
BLOG VIEW: The fourth anniversary of the signing of the Financial Regulatory Reform Bill, better known as the Dodd-Frank legislation, passed in late...
The Riskiest Thing About Vacant REO: Those Darn Swimming Pools
BLOG VIEW: As a former REO manager and senior vice president of a major third-party asset management outsource company, I have toured numerous...
Has The Electronic Frontier Finally Arrived?
BLOG VIEW: For years, experts in the mortgage industry predicted that electronic documents and e-mortgages were poised to be the next big trend...
Squatters: The New-Old Problem That Won’t Go Away
BLOG VIEW: In the ever-evolving world of mortgage default servicing, there is an erroneous belief that the recent proliferation of 'squatters' invading vacant,...
How CRM Systems Can Drive Both Business And Compliance
BLOG VIEW: As the mortgage market shifts from refinance to purchase, the profitability, perhaps even viability, of many firms will depend on how...
Cats And Dogs: Agents And Field Service Companies Need To Work Together
BLOG VIEW: Having more than 20 years of experience as a real estate agent and broker - 16 of which have been focused...
How A Zillow-Trulia Merger Could Hurt Mortgage Lenders And Consumers
BLOG VIEW: The proposed merger of Zillow and Trulia would be a great win for shareholders of both companies and a hit to...
The Good News And Bad News On REO Deed Fraud
BLOG VIEW: There's good and bad news for lenders when it comes to real estate owned (REO) deed fraud as we head into...
Billions In Big Bank Fines Highlight Need For Better Document And Data Tracking
BLOG VIEW: It's rare that a week goes by that I don't read a headline about a big bank being fined billions of...
Five Ways To Improve Originations In A Sluggish Market
BLOG VIEW: Today's mortgage market environment seems to be mimicking the weather in much of the U.S. recently: As we enter the summer...
A Yard To Play In
BLOG VIEW: I was going through my attic this past weekend and was amazed to see the number of children's toys we have...
Abundance Of Vacant REO Gives Rise To Anti-Squatting Programs
BLOG VIEW: Squatters? Who in the mortgage business even deals with this problem? The problem of squatters occupying vacant, real estate owned (REO)...
Data Destruction: A Complete Job
BLOG VIEW: The financial industry has to comply with a growing list of regulations and standards around data security to protect consumers including...
The Emerging Importance Of Cyber Liability Insurance And EPLI
BLOG VIEW: For lenders, determining proper insurance coverages, limits, optional endorsements and deductibles can be a time-consuming and, let's face it, tedious task....
Vacation Homes Are Bringing In More Than Just R&R
BLOG VIEW: With the winter safely in the past and summer finally here, relaxing vacations and tropical getaways are on the minds of...
Why Lenders Shouldn’t Rely On Their LOS For Document Management
BLOG VIEW: At the heart of a lender's operations is the loan origination system (LOS), a software application that facilitates the loan process,...
Johnson-Crapo Bill To Spark A Return Of Private Capital
BLOG VIEW: Five years ago, government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed into conservatorship and driven into a shaky future....
Successfully Diversifying Into The Bridge Loan Market
BLOG VIEW: I have spent most of my professional career financing commercial real estate. Lending platforms have included banks, credit companies and a...