Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blog View

The Sasquatch And The Servicers

BLOG VIEW: While flicking around the television channels, I recently came upon a program called 'Finding Bigfoot.' This series follows a group of...

OneUnited Bank’s Unholy Foreclosure Debacle

BLOG VIEW: One of the more distressing developments of the ongoing real estate crisis is the rising number of churches being foreclosed upon...

The AARP’s New Attack On Reverse Mortgages

BLOG VIEW: Unless you or a family member belongs to the AARP, you missed the March edition of the organization's Bulletin newspaper. Within...

Did He Really Say That?

BLOG VIEW: Last month, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan gave a speech in Raleigh, N.C.,...

Foreclosures Vs. Fallopian Tubes

BLOG VIEW: In the course of the Republican presidential primary campaign, there have been several bold and intriguing ideas on how to reshape...

Removing The Veil Of Poverty

BLOG VIEW: In 2010, 15.1% of all Americans - 39.3 million people - were living in poverty, according to the National Poverty Center...

The Six Keys To Masterful Deal Making

BLOG VIEW: This week's Blog View is guest-authored by Arthur Wylie, CEO of Charlotte, N.C.-based Arthur Wylie Enterprises and author of 'Only the...

From Audacity To Mendacity

BLOG VIEW: In announcing the Feb. 9 shakedown - whoops, sorry, settlement - between the nation's five major banks and a coalition of...

No Love For The Inept

BLOG VIEW: Some time ago, I worked with a pleasant guy who was utterly wrong for the job he was given. He routinely...

Uh, Hello? GSE Reform?

BLOG VIEW: During one of the seemingly infinite number of Republican presidential candidate debates, Rep. Michele Bachmann considered the two front-runners as a...

Is The Justice Department Incompetent?

BLOG VIEW: Did somebody close down the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) without telling us? That theory would seem to make sense, since...

Five Questions For Richard Cordray

BLOG VIEW: Richard Cordray is making his Capitol Hill debut this week as the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Needless...

The New Misadventures Of Andrew Cuomo

BLOG VIEW: One of my all-time favorite buffoons is Andrew Cuomo, who formerly served disastrously as secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing...

The CFPB Circus Rolls On

BLOG VIEW: I never truly appreciated the cynicism of the Obama administration until last week, when the White House announced that it was...

The Robin Hood School Of Economics

BLOG VIEW: You cannot enrich a financially bankrupt nation with intellectually bankrupt politics. Unfortunately, too many members of today's American public are broke,...

Holiday Gifts For The Mortgage Banking Industry

BLOG VIEW: Are you still doing your holiday shopping? If you are, there's a good chance we'll bump into each other at the...

Green Building Is For The Birds…Literally!

BLOG VIEW: Did you know that as many as 1 billion birds die every year from collisions with buildings in the U.S.? So...

House Dems Not Backing Down On Principal Reductions

BLOG VIEW: This week, House Democrats continued their full-court press against the Federal Housing Finance Agency's (FHFA) anti-principal-reduction policies, with the party's House...

Will The Housing Crisis Kill Mitt Romney’s Campaign?

BLOG VIEW: If Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee for president, he will need to do a much better job...

Does The White House Hate Richard Cordray?

BLOG VIEW: Last week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) added eight new officers to fill its senior leadership rank. This personnel news...