Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Blog View

Homeowners: Are They Stingy?

BLOG VIEW: A highly reliable source indicates there are more people wanting to buy homes than there are willing to sell them. The National...

The Evolution And Expansion Of HECM Loans

If you think the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, or reverse mortgage, is a relatively new product, you had better think again.

Surety Bond Now Required For Idaho Appraisal Management Companies

BLOG VIEW: In Idaho and across the country, the appraisal management industry is still young, but a new law passed by the state will...

New Automated Verification Services Lead To Improved Loan Quality

BLOG VIEW: At first glance, there has never been an easier time to get a loan. Financial institutions and lenders saturate the market with offers of low-cost credit - all promising quick approval.

Another Reason To Adopt E-Mortgage Technology: Making The Lorax Happy

BLOG VIEW: There are lots of great reasons for mortgage lenders to adopt the e-mortgage, but one huge benefit that sometimes gets overlooked is...

Has TRID Really Lowered Lender Profits?

It may be that TRID's apparently negative impact on the bottom line is less certain than initial numbers suggest.

Does Your Sales Strategy Need Spring Cleaning?

CLOSING TIME: By most accounts, 2016 should be a solid year for mortgage lending. The Mortgage Bankers Association is predicting the best year for...

UnHARPing: A New Opportunity For Mortgage Lenders?

Only about 10% of existing HARP borrowers have refinanced, according to Freddie Mac, so there are a lot more who could emerge as refinancing candidates.

Is It Time For Zero-Zero Mortgages?

BLOG VIEW: Mortgage lenders have traditionally wanted both an origination fee plus points when making a loan, but now there's evidence that such charges...

A Mortgage Insurer’s View Of Housing Affordability

BLOG VIEW: Because the private mortgage insurance industry plays a major role in helping first-time home buyers by lowering the down payment requirements, it...

Bringing Automation To Asset Location And Verification

BLOG VIEW: The mortgage industry continues to make significant strides toward innovation. Across the board, lenders and their various partners have automated several key...

Change Is Good: Exploring New Uses For Existing Technologies

There are ways to build bridges between disparate systems to create an improved customer experience.

CFPB Goes After Marketplace Lenders

"The CFPB's objectives in taking these actions are questionable, since consumers already could complain about marketplace loans using the CFPB's existing loan categories."

When It Comes To Mortgage Compliance, Every Detail Counts

BLOG VIEW: As compliance becomes more of a focus for lenders and servicers, they must review their business processes and policies to ensure they...

How The Foreclosure Crisis Impacted Homeownership

After nine years, the market is moving to the other side of the cycle. The foreclosure crisis is winding down, and with it, fewer homeowners will be forced into renting.

Why College Debt Looms Larger On Mortgage Applications

Millions of people are leaving college and technical or trade schools with a lot of debt - and that debt is interfering with family formations and homeownership levels.

Can No-Money-Down Mortgages Make A Comeback?

BLOG VIEW: Mortgages with no money down have a certain cringe factor - a leftover from the go-go era of real estate financing that...

Can The Mortgage Market Offset The Impact Of A Fed Rate Hike?

BLOG VIEW: Just over one month ago when most Americans were in the midst of the usual holiday bustle, the Federal Reserve voted to...

Women In Mortgage: You’ve Come A Long Way

As the mortgage industry becomes more female-centric, the potential for women to attain executive-level positions has increased.

The Overlooked Benefit Of Loan Performance

BLOG VIEW: Given the changes in the servicing industry over the last few years, it has become clear to lenders that in many cases,...