Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blog View

Can Ancient Astronauts Solve The Housing Finance Crisis?

BLOG VIEW: I have a confession to make: I am a huge fan of the books, TV shows and websites that promulgate the...

Farewell Barney Frank, Ron Paul And Raj Date

BLOG VIEW: As we move into 2013, we will be saying goodbye to a trio of Washington-based figures who were at the heart...

Predictions For 2013

BLOG VIEW: I always think of the New Year as a symbol of hope. It is a clean start, a chance to begin...

Missing The Point On The Mortgage Interest Deduction

BLOG VIEW: With all of the hullabaloo in Washington over the 'fiscal cliff' and ways to generate new revenue, the holy grail of...

Should Walmart Get Into Mortgage Banking?

BLOG VIEW: Earlier this month, a poll conducted by Charlotte, N.C.-based Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting Group asked American consumers if they would consider...

Holiday Gifts For The Mortgage Banking Industry

BLOG VIEW: You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout - I'm telling you why! Yes, I am back...

Obama, The Fiscal Cliff And The Federal Housing Policy Crisis

BLOG VIEW: During his post-election press conference on Nov. 14, President Obama trotted out his trademark cynicism to push for federal income tax...

Addressing Misinformation On Mortgage Rates

BLOG VIEW: Mark Twain once wrote, 'If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.' I can...

The FHA Dilemma: Just Another Brick In The Window?

BLOG VIEW: Friday's news that the Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF) dropped below zero into the realm of negative...

The Party Divide Within Mortgage Banking

BLOG VIEW: The gathering of industry professionals at the recent Mortgage Banking Association (MBA) annual convention brought to mind a political rally. The...

Is Richard Cordray Using The CFPB For Political Gain?

BLOG VIEW: The good news is that the election of 2012 is now safely tucked into the history books. The bad news is...

Obama V2.0

BLOG VIEW: This year's presidential election seemed like an eerie replay of the 2004 race: an unpopular president with a dismal record who...

When A Casino Project Is A Very Bad Bet

BLOG VIEW: Back in July, I called attention to a dubious scheme to boost the sagging fortunes of National Harbor, a mixed-use...

A Crisis Of Financial Responsibility

BLOG VIEW: (This week's Blog View is written by David Coster, author of Total Mortgage Services' Total Mortgage Blog. Phil Hall's regular blog...

Dealing With The Pink Ribbon Blues

BLOG VIEW: I am attending this year's Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Annual Convention, but I am leaving the event earlier than usual. You...

Romney’s Victims And Obama’s Victims

BLOG VIEW: If Mitt Romney wins the presidential election, it will be in spite of what he's said as a candidate, rather than...

Knowing How To Deal With Hostile Feedback

BLOG VIEW: Regular readers of this blog and my editorials in Secondary Marketing Executive and Servicing Management may have noticed that I am...

Match Wits With Ben Bernanke…And Win!

BLOG VIEW: Did it ever occur to you that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke may not know what he's talking about? In looking...

Obama Vs. Romney: The Lesser Of Two Evils?

BLOG VIEW: When Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he spoke eloquently of vigorous leadership that could shepherd the U.S. into...

The Convergence Of Industry And Economic Events – A Risk Perspective

BLOG VIEW: (This week's column is guest-authored by Debora Aydelotte, president of Denver-based Titan Capital Solutions. Phil Hall's Monday column will resume next...