Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blog View

Who Cares About Housing? Let’s Talk About Sex!

BLOG VIEW: The next presidential election is less than a year away, and logic would dictate that the Democratic incumbent and the nine...

GOP Candidates Debate Housing’s Broad Strokes

BLOG VIEW: Trash Fannie and Freddie, level the playing field for smaller financial institutions, eliminate the regulatory albatross that is Dodd-Frank and hey,...

Wasted Millions On Freddie Mac’s Haldeman

BLOG VIEW: Charles E. Haldeman Jr. recently announced that he will step down next year as CEO of Freddie Mac. Haldeman was the...

Message To Occupy Wall Street: Go Home

BLOG VIEW: The Occupy Wall Street movement has been running in New York City for nearly six weeks, and the ruckus created by...

AGs Promise Relief, Accountability

BLOG VIEW: The mortgage markets received some clarity on at least one hot-button issue this week, when the Federal Housing Finance Agency formally...

How Would Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan Impact Mortgage Banking?

BLOG VIEW: The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has placed former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain as the leader in the race...

Does The MBA Have A Problem?

BLOG VIEW: If you attended the Mortgage Bankers Association's (MBA) Annual Convention last week, you will recall a high-tech peculiarity regarding the Hyatt...

The Lack Of Leadership Is A National Crisis

BLOG VIEW: This week's Blog View is guest-authored by David Lykken, managing partner of Mortgage Banking Solutions, based in Austin, Texas. Phil Hall's...

Where’s The Tea Party When You Really Need Them?

BLOG VIEW: I am a big fan of political street theater. I don't really care what the issue is or what kind of...

Elizabeth Warren’s Ridiculous Rant

BLOG VIEW: It appears that the viral video universe has run out of misfit singers and clumsy fat boys to hold up for...

Which Is Scarier: Mortgage Banking Or Horror Movies?

BLOG VIEW: For the past eight years, I've pursued a second career as an actor in horror movies. These productions are low-budget efforts...

Revamping Refis: Marginal Or Meaningful?

BLOG VIEW: As the Obama administration and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) examine ways to remove refinancing hurdles for underwater borrowers, the...

Now About The FHFA…

BLOG VIEW: The recent news that the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is suing 17 financial institutions in regard to their securitization procedures...

Our Foolish Fed

BLOG VIEW: The Federal Reserve's questionable policies were the subject of a pair of recent news items. One story presented the central bank...

Wait A Minute, Mr. Postman!

BLOG VIEW: The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is facing its greatest financial problem ever, and part of its drastic cost-cutting efforts includes the...

The World According To Timothy Geithner

BLOG VIEW: The decision by Standard & Poor's (S&P) to downgrade the credit rating of the U.S. and various federal entities should not...

Taking Another Swing At REO Rentals

BLOG VIEW: The next month will likely be a busy one for professionals in real estate owned (REO) circles as they gather their...

What Else Is On The Menu?

BLOG VIEW: The other night, I was clicking around the television channels and came upon a program I never watched before: 'Master Chef,'...

What A Waste Of Money!

BLOG VIEW: There is an old saying that 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend.' There is also another old saying that...

Barney’s Rubble

BLOG VIEW: Last week was the first anniversary of the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act - or as it has become known in...